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Introducing Astoria's Small-Cap and Mid-Cap Stock Portfolios

Since July 2020, Astoria has argued that the US economy is in the early stages of a new, powerful economic cycle (click here). We have been arguing that investors should be moving down the market cap range.

When Astoria was on CNBC TV back in June 2020, we voiced our inclination towards Small-Cap stocks (click here).

We’ve recently put together two new quantitative stock baskets geared towards Small-Cap and Mid-Cap stocks. We view these as higher-octane strategies for clients with higher risk tolerances.

Below is some background information.

Astoria’s Small-Cap Quality Growth Stock Portfolio

  • From the starting universe of approximately 1400 Small-Cap companies, we screen for stocks with above median 1) EPS 2) SPS 3) Net Margin 4) ROE and 5) ROA.

Astoria’s Mid-Cap Quality Growth Stock Portfolio

  • From the starting universe of approximately 350 Mid-Cap companies, we screen for stocks with above median 1) EPS 2) SPS 3) Net Margin 4) ROE and 5) ROA.

Remember, for most of the past 4-5 years, investors were enamored with FAANG and US Large-Cap Growth stocks while virtually ignoring cyclical and Small-Cap/Mid-Cap stocks. We think there is further room for outperformance in the Small-Cap/Mid-Cap space.

Please contact us if you wish to receive a copy of our fact sheets, list of holdings, and other material related to these portfolios.


Astoria Portfolio Advisors

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Photo Source: Astoria Portfolio Advisors


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