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Special Report: Astoria's 10 ETF Themes for 2022

Click here to read the 10 ETF Themes for 2022

  • Investors’ love affair with past winners is insatiable. The ‘conventional wisdom’ on Wall Street is that US Large-Cap index stocks, Mega Cap Technology, and NFTs will continue to be the ‘big winners’ in the years to come. Unfortunately, yesterday’s darlings seldom outperform in the future with the same risk-adjusted returns per unit of liquidity risk (this is important) as they did in the past. Paradigm shifts typically happen slowly and quietly, with most investors realizing after the fact.

  • Many firms put out their 2022 reports with forecasts and predictions, but very few of them are actionable. We wish the authors would attach a link to their prior-year forecasts so we can judge how well they did. The goal of this piece is to not only provide unique thought leadership but to provide investors with actionable investment ideas. Here are our 10 ETFs for 2021 (click here) so you can evaluate our calls.

Exhibit 1. Astoria’s 10 ETF Themes for 2022

Source of 10 ETF Themes for 2022: Astoria Portfolio Advisors. Segment data retrieved from ETF Action on December 22, 2022. Please refer to disclaimers for which ETFs Astoria holds for its clients. *Please see disclaimers for important information regarding PPI.


Astoria Portfolio Advisors

Astoria Portfolio Advisors Disclosure: As of the time this article was written, Astoria held positions in PPI, USMV, SDY, SRLN, SPYD, HYD, ITB, KBWB, BLOK, IHDG, MLPA, BCI, and NETL on behalf of its clients. For full disclosure, please refer to our website:

Please note that Astoria Portfolio Advisors serves as a subadvisor to the AXS Astoria Inflation Sensitive ETF. The information contained in this report does not imply a recommendation for PPI. Readers should consult their financial advisor to determine if PPI is a suitable investment for their portfolio. For more information on PPI, please click here.


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