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Astoria's Strategies

Core Risk Based ETF Portfolios

Astoria’s Dynamic Aggressive Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 70/30 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic Growth Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 60/40 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic Growth & Income Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 50/50 allocation. 
Astoria’s Dynamic Conservative Strategy focuses on long term income and growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 30/70 allocation. 
Astoria’s Risk Managed Dynamic Income Strategy focuses on building reliable income by blending various fixed income instruments along with a modest allocation towards equities and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 15/85 allocation. 

Multi-Asset Risk Strategy

The Multi-Asset Risk Strategy (MARS) ETF Portfolio was the first of Astoria's portfolios. It is risk-managed and positioned based on evolving macroeconomic indicators.   

Astoria’s Multi-Asset Risk Strategy focuses on long term growth by blending various equity factors along with allocations to fixed income and alternatives. This strategy maintains approximately a 50/50 allocation.

Thematic ETF & Stock Portfolios

Astoria constructs Thematic ETF and Stock Portfolios to target areas of the market or specific goals, such as inflation or yield.

Astoria’s Inflation Sensitive Strategy targets funds that are sensitive to rising inflation.
Astoria’s Enhanced Income Strategy aims to capture equity and fixed income securities with above average yields. This strategy maintains approximately a 20/80 allocation.

Factor US Stock Portfolios

Astoria constructs Factor US Stock Portfolios, each comprised of 40 stocks, quantitatively screened and selected from a starting universe related to the targeted factor.

Astoria's High Growth US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 equal-weighted, sector-optimized, high growth stocks.
Astoria's High Quality US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 market-cap-weighted (5% max), sector-optimized, high quality stocks.
Astoria's Dividend Growers US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 stocks that have consistently increased their dividend for at least 10 consecutive years.
Astoria's High Dividend Yield US Stock Portfolio uses a quantitative and systematic approach, targeting 40 market-cap-weighted (5% max), sector-optimized, high dividend-paying stocks.

What are we trying to accomplish in our ETF portfolios?

  • Astoria Uses Business Cycle, Earnings/Valuations, and Sentiment & Risk to Dictate our Asset Allocation/Portfolio Positioning. We incorporate a Dynamic Overlay depending on the 3 inputs above.
  • Target OW assets that have earnings that are growing, cheaper than market, poor sentiment, and have a catalyst for upside 
  • Target UW assets that are expensive, earnings are slowing, strong sentiment, that lack a catalyst for upside
  • Diversify our factor exposures 
  • Utilize liquid alternatives to hedge downside risk
Astoria Portfolio Advisors claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). To receive a GIPS report, please contact Nick Cerbone via email: GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

Where Can I Access Astoria's Solutions?

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